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Posts tagged ‘Kinesiology’

Round 1 Done

Round 1 Done

Two exciting games were played after school on Thursday, 2/27.  Mr. Fesnak’s Business team defeated the Film and Video Team in an extremely close game.  Final score was 42-40 with Malik Gibson leading the Business team with 18 points.  Tyson Harrington led the way for Film and Video and he also had 18 points.  Biotech…

Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Kerrigan, Mr. Rauscher, Ms. McFadden and Mrs. Jenkins at the NCAC conference.

Roxborough High School Recognized at the NCAC’s 23rd Conference

From its inception in 1996, NCAC’s (National Career Academy Coalition) mission has been to provide collaborative support and resources for existing and emerging career academies. The Academies @ Roxborough High School was recognized at the NCAC’s (National Career Academy Coalition) 23rd conference held in Philadelphia.  Teachers from as far as Hawaii attended the conference and visited…

Kinesiology & Biotech Students participate in Chat & Chew with industry professionals

Academy of Health Sciences & Research Chat & Chew

HS&R FIRST Chat and Chew This idea came from Mr. Thomas last year. The Academy of Health Sciences & Research on the first Friday of the next few months with our OAC members will speak with 6 seniors every month..1/2 KIN and 1/2 BIOTECH. It’s an opportunity for the OAC members to share their experiences…

Academy of health sciences and research at Roxborough logo

NCAC Announces that The Academy of Health Sciences and Research at Roxborough High School Has Achieved National Model Status

The Academy of Health Sciences and Research at Roxborough High School has earned national distinction by achieving Model Career Academy status.  This is the highest designation awarded by the National Career Academy Coalition (NCAC). In addition to being a prestigious honor, NCAC Model Status certifies that a specific career academy demonstrates excellence according to The…

"Healthy Sneaker" Project Models

The “Healthy Sneaker” Project at The Academies @ Roxborough

This spring, PAI Academic Project Coordinator Dr. Maggie Pedone collaborated with Lydia Parsons and Molly Reingold of District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund to design a “Healthy Sneakers” Project for The Academies at Roxborough High School.  10th grade students in the Biotechnology and Kinesiology pathways participated in this Project-Based Learning challenge with the goal of collaborating…

students in the lab dissecting fetal pigs

Pig Dissections

The Biotechnoloy and Kinesiology pathways worked together in the lab this week to study fetal pigs.  The fetal pig is a mammal, most major structures are the same or similar to human anatomy. Dissection allows students to see how all the organs and muscle groups fit and work together.  Why dissect a PIG? Dissection engages…

Dinner @ Roxboroughs Academy Showcase

Showcase Success

Thank you to everyone who supported the Showcase this year. The staff turnout was great. Our pathway teachers and JROTC instructors did a fabulous job highlighting their students’ work. Special shout to the additional team members who pitched in in so many ways: Mr. Thomas, Ms. K, Ms. McMasters, Ms. Wang, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Siddiqui, Ms….

STEAM Roller Skating

The Academy of Health Sciences and Research @ Roxborough attended the Educational Field Trip program at Millennium Skate World that immerses students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). The STEM concepts are related to roller skating, where students will learn that STEM is all around them, it is not just a concept found in…

Roxborough teachers at a 2 week summer workshop

Teacher Summer STEAM Workshop

Teachers in the Healthcare Workplace Project, Summer 2018 Academies @ Roxborough teachers attended the District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund partnered with Philadelphia Works, Inc.; Philadelphia Academies, Inc. (PAI); the School District of Philadelphia (SDP; two divisions of Drexel University; Community College of Philadelphia (CCP); local curriculum experts; and employer partners in multiple healthcare and…

Biotech and Kinesiology students working together in the lab

Academy Pathway Crossover Event

Academy of Health Sciences and Research teachers hosted a crossover event.  On March 27th, sophomores from the Biotechnology and Kinesiology pathways were brought together to share their skills and knowledge while investigating the sillier side of science.  Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Kerrigan created six lab stations where students investigated density, osmosis, chemical reactions, and accurate…