Academy Pathway Crossover Event

Biotech and Kinesiology students working together in the labAcademy of Health Sciences and Research teachers hosted a crossover event.  On March 27th, sophomores from the Biotechnology and Kinesiology pathways were brought together to share their skills and knowledge while investigating the sillier side of science.  Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Kerrigan created six lab stations where students investigated density, osmosis, chemical reactions, and accurate measurements while creating slime, glowing eggs, and rainbow test tubes.  Biotechnology students ensured that their kinesiology classmates followed the scientific method, followed lab safety protocol, and understood the “hows” and “whys” of each mini-lab. Many students were able to try a new skill, collaborate with new people, and have a great time!

Rainbow test tubes from Biotech and Kinesiology students working together in the lab Rainbow test tube from Biotech and Kinesiology students working together in the lab

Then the tables were turned and the Biotech students were brought down to the Kinesiology Lab. The Kinesiology students taught them 4 major lifts Flat Bench, Incline Bench, Decline Bench, and Squating. After they were done teaching these four lifts they  showed the Biotech students some of their favorite exercises such as plyometric jumps and sprinting competitions. The Kinesiology students focused on teaching proper lifting form and spotting techniques.

Mr. Kerrigan in the Kinesiology classroom

Adjusting Weights at the Kinesiology Lab Kinesiology students instructing proper lifting techniques Kinesiology students instructing proper lifting techniques