Pig Dissections

Mrs. Thompson with students in the lab dissecting fetal pigsThe Biotechnoloy and Kinesiology pathways worked together in the lab this week to study fetal pigs.  The fetal pig is a mammal, most major structures are the same or similar to human anatomy. Dissection allows students to see how all the organs and muscle groups fit and work together.  Why dissect a PIG? Dissection engages students in “observational and kinesthetic learning that instills a recognition an appreciation for the three dimensional structure of the animal body, the interconnections between organs and organ systems, and the uniqueness of biological material.” (“Human Anatomy & Physiology Society Position Statement on Animal Use”, HAPS News, November 1995, page 12.)


Mr. Kerrigan with students in the lab dissecting fetal pigs

students in the lab dissecting fetal pigs students in the lab dissecting fetal pigs