NCAC Announces that The Academy of Health Sciences and Research at Roxborough High School Has Achieved National Model Status

TAcademy of health sciences and research at Roxborough logohe Academy of Health Sciences and Research at Roxborough High School has earned national distinction by achieving Model Career Academy status.  This is the highest designation awarded by the National Career Academy Coalition (NCAC).

In addition to being a prestigious honor, NCAC Model Status certifies that a specific career academy demonstrates excellence according to The National Standards of Practice for Career Academies (NSOPs).  The NCAC review process is based on the ten NSOPs that were introduced by a 2004 consortium of career academy organizations and endorsed by the US Departments of Education and Labor in Washington, D.C.

Career academies are schools within schools that link students with peers, teachers, and community partners in a structured environment that fosters academic success, preparing students to succeed in both college and career.  In addition to the Academy of Health Sciences and Research, Roxborough High School also has the Academy of Business Technology and Entrepreneurship, the Academy of Visual Arts Production, and the Freshman Academy.  Each academy is broken into specific pathways, which students select at the end of their freshman year.  The Academy of Health Sciences and Research consists of the pathways of Biotechnology and Kinesiology.

Career academies group students and teachers together in cohorts that will stay together for three years.  This empowers students to work together around career themes and 21st century workplace skills with the same group of teachers, and business and continuing education partners.  Students have the opportunity to create products through project-based learning, to go on industry site visits, to work in internships, and provides a wide variety of additional opportunities that increase their chances of success in whichever post secondary path they pursue.

“It is evident that the passion of the academy teams, coupled with the support of the school administration, and the intense focus of your business community, has created a stellar program for students, parents, and the community,” said Jay Steele, president of NCAC.  “The rigor of the curriculum and the depth of your industry partnerships are to be commended.”

The Academy of Health Sciences and Research will be honored at the November 11-13, 2019 NCAC National Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

About NCAC

From its inception in 1996, NCAC’s mission has been to provide collaborative support and resources for existing and emerging career academies.  It is our belief that the success of academy students is due to the network of support that they receive from teachers, mentors, and business people that help them set long-term goals and stay on a clear path.  By joining NCAC, educators are connected to experts and practitioners that share their passion for changing the lives of young people.