Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
Two exciting games were played after school on Thursday, 2/27. Mr. Fesnak’s Business team defeated the Film and Video Team in an extremely close game. Final score was 42-40 with Malik Gibson leading the Business team with 18 points. Tyson Harrington led the way for Film and Video and he also had 18 points. Biotech…
Biotech students made Ice cream in the lab and the science teachers were brave enough to taste test their results!
Mrs. Thompson and the Students in the Academy of Health Sciences & Research Biotech Seniors participated in Mental Health training workshop sponsored by Youth Mental Health, First Aid USA. The Academy of Health Sciences & Research Biotech Juniors attended a field trip at GSK, GlaxoSmithKline with Mrs. Thompson.
From its inception in 1996, NCAC’s (National Career Academy Coalition) mission has been to provide collaborative support and resources for existing and emerging career academies. The Academies @ Roxborough High School was recognized at the NCAC’s (National Career Academy Coalition) 23rd conference held in Philadelphia. Teachers from as far as Hawaii attended the conference and visited…
HS&R FIRST Chat and Chew This idea came from Mr. Thomas last year. The Academy of Health Sciences & Research on the first Friday of the next few months with our OAC members will speak with 6 seniors every month..1/2 KIN and 1/2 BIOTECH. It’s an opportunity for the OAC members to share their experiences…
The Visiting Students Program at GSK The Visiting Students Program, sponsored by R&D Science in Schools, aims to inspire high school students toward pursuing science and technology careers through a one-day visit to our US Research and Development Hub. Students will meet the actual scientists and professionals who discover and develop medicines for patients in…
The Academy of Health Sciences and Research at Roxborough High School has earned national distinction by achieving Model Career Academy status. This is the highest designation awarded by the National Career Academy Coalition (NCAC). In addition to being a prestigious honor, NCAC Model Status certifies that a specific career academy demonstrates excellence according to The…
This spring, PAI Academic Project Coordinator Dr. Maggie Pedone collaborated with Lydia Parsons and Molly Reingold of District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund to design a “Healthy Sneakers” Project for The Academies at Roxborough High School. 10th grade students in the Biotechnology and Kinesiology pathways participated in this Project-Based Learning challenge with the goal of collaborating…
The Biotechnoloy and Kinesiology pathways worked together in the lab this week to study fetal pigs. The fetal pig is a mammal, most major structures are the same or similar to human anatomy. Dissection allows students to see how all the organs and muscle groups fit and work together. Why dissect a PIG? Dissection engages…
AP Biology students with their teacher Mrs. McFadden visited Harrisburg University. Students in the class are receiving 4 college science credits through a dual enrollment partnership.