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Students paticipating in a lecture at the Barnes.

Students visit the Barnes

Mrs. Yacker took her Junior English students to participate in a lecture on Art Interpretation at the Barnes Museum.  

Jonah Woods recieving a scholarship at the Kimmel Center

Jonah Woods receives EY Youth Scholarship

Jonah Woods received the EY Youth Scholarship for the App he designed here at the Academies @ Roxborough.  He received his award at the Kimmel Center with the support of his family and teachers. Click on the link to watch a part of the ceremony… BB738DE3-9960-4014-B6F9-722B244F7DEC

Academies @ Roxborogh Football players leaving the locker room

Academies @ Roxborough Football WINS Division

Roxborough’s Football teams won the Liberty Division on October 30th with a 30-6 victory over Palumbo.      

STEAM Roller Skating

The Academy of Health Sciences and Research @ Roxborough attended the Educational Field Trip program at Millennium Skate World that immerses students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). The STEM concepts are related to roller skating, where students will learn that STEM is all around them, it is not just a concept found in…

Students At Philly Goat Project in Germantown

Academy @ Roxborough Students go to Philly Goat Project

Students from the Academies at Roxborough attended the Philly Goat Project at the Agricultural Village at Awbury Arboretum in Germantown.  Mrs. Ragozzino accompanied a group of students who volunteered their time on a Saturday!   The Philly Goat Project currently includes miniature Nigerian Dwarf goats Ivy, Anthony, and Bebito, and mixed-breed goats Oliver and Oonagh. The…

Office of Specialized Services Recognizes the Academies @ Roxborough

The Academies @ Roxborough students in the Vocational Training Program  YMCA video  from last school year  was submitted to the Office of Specialized Services for a contest on the use of  evidence-based practices and strategies . We won! Congratulations! Your video highlighting the use of an evidence-based practice/strategy was selected as a winner and you…

Rita's Water ice school fundraiser

Rita’s Spirit Night

Academies @ Roxborough Parent’s Association organized a fund raiser at Rita’s Water Ice on Domino Lane.  The event was fun with prizes and celebrity scoopers: Mr. Quirus, Mrs. Verica, Mr. Heleniak, Mrs. McFadden, Mrs. Sposato, Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. McGee.  Thanks to Rita’s for donating 20% of the proceeds back to the school. …

Welcome Class of 2022

Welcome Class of 2022

Freshman orientation was held over two days for the Academies @ Roxborough to accommodate the large incoming class of freshman.  Teachers and staff were on hand to welcome the Class of 2022 and their families and prepare for new school year.  Parents attending workshops on signing up for Schoolnet and sessions to familiarize themselves with…

Teachers training on new Smartboards

Teachers Back to School August 20th

Philadelphia teachers returned to school August 20th this year to participate in professional development seminars and training courses using smartboards.  This is the earliest return to date for the school district, and the dedication of our teachers at the Academies @ Roxborough was proven once again as the staff was present and eager to participate…

Roxborough teachers at a 2 week summer workshop

Teacher Summer STEAM Workshop

Teachers in the Healthcare Workplace Project, Summer 2018 Academies @ Roxborough teachers attended the District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund partnered with Philadelphia Works, Inc.; Philadelphia Academies, Inc. (PAI); the School District of Philadelphia (SDP; two divisions of Drexel University; Community College of Philadelphia (CCP); local curriculum experts; and employer partners in multiple healthcare and…