On February 13th at 4 p.m. the Board of Education will hold a Goals and Guardrails Committee Meeting.
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Former tech exec teaches entrepreneurship in Roxborough Teaching, he says, “is all about selling.” by Makoto Manheim August 5 — 10:26 am, 2019 teacher feature, teacher quality “I created a culture where kids expect hard things and get it done.” Frank Fesnak strongly believes in the potential of his students. He has reinvented the business…
Academies @ Roxborough Parent’s Association organized a fund raiser at Rita’s Water Ice on Domino Lane. The event was fun with prizes and celebrity scoopers: Mr. Quirus, Mrs. Verica, Mr. Heleniak, Mrs. McFadden, Mrs. Sposato, Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. McGee. Thanks to Rita’s for donating 20% of the proceeds back to the school. …
Philadelphia teachers returned to school August 20th this year to participate in professional development seminars and training courses using smartboards. This is the earliest return to date for the school district, and the dedication of our teachers at the Academies @ Roxborough was proven once again as the staff was present and eager to participate…
Two Philaelphia teachers were announced as winners of the National Liberty Museum’s 2018 “Teacher As Hero” Award. Stetson Charter School teacher Tony Rocco and Roxborough High School teacher Derek Stevenson were among the 11 area-educators named winners. The Teach As Hero award honors teachers for their extraordinary efforts that impact the lives of their students,…
Mrs. Ragozzino attended a field workshop in the Galapagos Islands through the University of Southern New Hampshire. The Galapagos Islands are located about 1000 km (620 miles) off the Pacific coast of South America, they are now a National Park. The Charles Darwin Research Station is now home to aquatic iguanas, dragon-like lizards left over from prehistoric…
Teachers from the Academies @ Roxborough attended a conference in Nashville March 5 – 7, 2018. Pictured from left to right: Rose Kalogerakis, Laurie-Jean Lawley, John Quirus, Kate Verica, Rosa Lasada, Teshome Sebhatu. “The Academies of Nashville Study Visit demonstrates how Nashville has transformed its high schools into personalized learning communities that offer rigor, relevance, relationships,…