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District Parents & Families: The 2024-25 Philly School Experience Survey is now open. Let your voice be heard! Take the Survey
The Penn Relays is a track & field competition from April 26-28, 2018 held at the University of Pennsylvania. This year was the 124th running of the PennRelays and featured athletes from more than 200 colleges, 1,000 high schools & professionals competing in the three-day festival. Coach John Quirus brought the Roxborough and Saul track…
The Center for Urban Education, Equity, and Improvement presents the Inaugural Shirley Dixon Celebration of Urban Education Symposium Join Cabrini University faculty, staff, alumni, and friends at the inaugural Shirley Dixon Celebration of Urban Education Symposium. You’re invited to attend a reception followed by a keynote address from the widely regarded influential educator H. Richard…
Philadelphia School District + DDC= Success Tuesday April 24th, the participants of the Diamond Daughter Corporation Professional Prep Course, received their completion certificates at the Ladies Networking Lunch. The lunch was held at La Collina in Bala Cynwyd, a beautiful Italian restaurant nestled in the hill overlooking Roxborough. The graduates were escorted by limo, donated…
Two Philaelphia teachers were announced as winners of the National Liberty Museum’s 2018 “Teacher As Hero” Award. Stetson Charter School teacher Tony Rocco and Roxborough High School teacher Derek Stevenson were among the 11 area-educators named winners. The Teach As Hero award honors teachers for their extraordinary efforts that impact the lives of their students,…
Mrs. McFadden along with the National Honor Society students from the Academies @ Roxborough sponsored the Blood Drive with the Red Cross. “School and students help the Red Cross fulfill its mission of ensuring the availability of a safe and reliable blood supply. Patients in the community and across the nation receive the gift of life.” Students,…
For the 4th consecutive year, Academies at Roxborough High School Film and Video Production students placed in the top 10 of the Pennsylvania Technology Student Association video competition. Students Charlize Anaya, Sekou Robinson, Tariq Welcome, and Shanaya Baker-Forney led by their teacher Derek Stevenson worked tirelessly to produce a two and a half minute video…
Roxborough Administration and teachers attended the Philadelphia Academies Prom event on April 14th at the Lowes Hotel in Philadelphia. The event celebrates and raises money for the Philadelphia Academies Inc. programs that benefit our students in the academy schools. PAI’s mission is “To design and implement industry informed, career connected learning strategies for schools that…
The first meet for the Academies @ Roxborough Track team was held at Northeast High School. Coach Quirus trains the team here on Roxborough’s track. The team participates in multiple events including the 100, 200, 1600 relay and the 4 by 1. We also have two students who competed in the long jump competition. The…
The Academies @ Roxborough Varsity Baseball team played Carver E&S on Wednesday, April 11th at the Pearlman fields on Port Royal Avenue in Roxborough. The team was faced with a difficult game and was losing 18 to 5 in the third inning but a 9 run rally brought the score to 18 to 14. Pictured below…