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Posts tagged ‘Professional Development’

Academies @ Roxborough Team Builders

The faculty and staff participated in Professional development and Team Building activities on October 25, 2019.  Administrators and staff discussed Student data, interventions and participated in a workshop lead by Mrs. Sposato.

Teachers training on new Smartboards

Teachers Back to School August 20th

Philadelphia teachers returned to school August 20th this year to participate in professional development seminars and training courses using smartboards.  This is the earliest return to date for the school district, and the dedication of our teachers at the Academies @ Roxborough was proven once again as the staff was present and eager to participate…

Academy @ Roxborough teachers attending summer workshop

Teacher Summer Workshop

Academy @ Roxborough teachers gave up a piece of their summer for a two-day training held at Roxborough HS on July 18th and 19th.   A representative from AAIS provided professional development on Teaching on the Block and Differentiated Instruction focusing on identifying power standards and generating learning targets.  Teachers were given time to plan lessons and model…

Galapagos tortoises at lunch

Academies @ Roxborough Teacher goes to Galapagos

Mrs. Ragozzino attended a field workshop in the Galapagos Islands through the University of Southern New Hampshire.  The Galapagos Islands are located about 1000 km (620 miles) off the Pacific coast of South America, they are now a National Park.  The Charles Darwin Research Station is now home to aquatic iguanas, dragon-like lizards left over from prehistoric…

Academies @ Roxborough Teachers attend Conference in Nashville

Teachers from the Academies @ Roxborough attended a conference in Nashville March 5 – 7, 2018. Pictured from left to right: Rose Kalogerakis, Laurie-Jean Lawley, John Quirus, Kate Verica, Rosa Lasada, Teshome Sebhatu. “The Academies of Nashville Study Visit demonstrates how Nashville has transformed its high schools into personalized learning communities that offer rigor, relevance, relationships,…