Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
The Student Incentive Program is sponsoring a Candy Cane Gram Sale. Send a sweet treat to a friend, teacher or someone special. Candy Cane Grams will be on Sale during lunches December 9th through December 13th. They will be delivered on Friday, December 20th during advisory. Thanks to all who supported our Lollipop sale.
The Senior Business Class is sponsoring a bake sale December 16th through December 20th. Please considering donating to the sale or stop by for additional information in Mr. Fesnak’s room between 8:20 and 9:52. Also come by and support our efforts and your sweet tooth with a purchase.
From its inception in 1996, NCAC’s (National Career Academy Coalition) mission has been to provide collaborative support and resources for existing and emerging career academies. The Academies @ Roxborough High School was recognized at the NCAC’s (National Career Academy Coalition) 23rd conference held in Philadelphia. Teachers from as far as Hawaii attended the conference and visited…
HS&R FIRST Chat and Chew This idea came from Mr. Thomas last year. The Academy of Health Sciences & Research on the first Friday of the next few months with our OAC members will speak with 6 seniors every month..1/2 KIN and 1/2 BIOTECH. It’s an opportunity for the OAC members to share their experiences…
The Home and School Association sponsored a Lollipop sale during lunch periods to benefit the Student Incentives Program. The sale was a great success! Thanks to everyone who helped sell lollipops and of course to all who bought them! Student volunteers John Paul and Yahseer received Citizenship awards for their help and dedication to the…
Report card conferences for first quarter are November 21st and 22nd from 1 pm to 3pm. Evening conferences are Thursday, November 21st 5:30 – 7:30. Parents and Students….Confirm a date and time to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with an expert by clicking here. Completing the FAFSA form is necessary in…
The faculty and staff participated in Professional development and Team Building activities on October 25, 2019. Administrators and staff discussed Student data, interventions and participated in a workshop lead by Mrs. Sposato.
The National Honor Society students and their sponsor Mrs. McFadden would like to Thank everyone for their support with today’s blood drive, and a special thank you to those who were able to donate. Also thank you to our wonderful Phys. Ed. department, who allows them to host this event. It is a great service…
Academies @ Roxborough is having a Food Drive to Support our School Community. With your support we can make a difference for families in need! Please bring donations to school from October 21st through November 15th. Boxes/Baskets will be put together and distributed the week of November 18th. Some suggested items include: Rice, Canned Vegetables,…