Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
Mrs. Thompson and the Students in the Academy of Health Sciences & Research Biotech Seniors participated in Mental Health training workshop sponsored by Youth Mental Health, First Aid USA. The Academy of Health Sciences & Research Biotech Juniors attended a field trip at GSK, GlaxoSmithKline with Mrs. Thompson.
Students from the Academies @ Roxborough along with Mrs. Roberts, English Teacher and Lead Teacher participated the Aids walk Philly on Sunday October 20th.
Roxborough Girls Volleyball team finished their season in their Conference with a record of 3-5 and an overall record of 4-7.
Mr. King, Freshman Academy Assistant Principal, met with all freshmen during their World History classes on Dec. 3rd and 4th. He used a “town hall” format (small groups) to review the Check and Reflect document, classroom and hallway expectations, and what it means to be “On Track” for graduation. This is the second round of…
The Student Incentive Program is sponsoring a Candy Cane Gram Sale. Send a sweet treat to a friend, teacher or someone special. Candy Cane Grams will be on Sale during lunches December 9th through December 13th. They will be delivered on Friday, December 20th during advisory. Thanks to all who supported our Lollipop sale.
The Academy of Business Technology and Entrepreneurship is happy to announce that 12 of its students were accepted into the Junior Achievement Company Program with the IKEA, Aqua America and Accenture companies. “The JA Company Program Blended Model unlocks the innate ability in students to solve a problem or fill a need in their community through…
The Senior Business Class is sponsoring a bake sale December 16th through December 20th. Please considering donating to the sale or stop by for additional information in Mr. Fesnak’s room between 8:20 and 9:52. Also come by and support our efforts and your sweet tooth with a purchase.
Mrs. Yacker’s 10th grade English students toured Eastern State Penitentiary, specifically the “Prison’s Today: Questions in the Age of Incarceration” to explore themes of social justice that we had discussed in class.
Mrs. Yacker’s 10th grader English students visited West Chester University to tour campus and to see Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth.