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Emergency Early Dismissal 12/6/2024

Posted on December 6, 2024
Categories: News

The Academies at Roxborough High School 6498 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 | (215) 400-3400 Teresa Fleming Chief Operating Officer December 6, 2024   Dear Roxborough High School Families, I am writing to inform you of an incident that occurred at Roxborough High School earlier today. A small electrical fire broke out in the building….

Family May Fair Flyer

Family May Fair @ Intercommunity Action

Our Roxborough Family May Fair is happening THIS Saturday from 11am-2pm right next to Saul High School on 7372 Henry Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128! There’s tons of FREE family fun and giveaways, so be sure to get there in time for your chance to win! Raffle winners (including camp scholarship winners) must be present at…

Spring Title I Meeting & SAC Election 3/30/2023

Spring Title I Meeting & SAC Election 3/30/2023

Posted on March 22, 2023
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Categories: Events, News, Parents, Student Activities

Roxborough SAC ELECTIONS – APPLY NOW – DEADLINE May 15TH!!! Elections for six (6) family members and one (1) community member of the Roxborough SAC will be held at the next SAC meeting. The Academies at Roxborough High School Advisory Council, or SAC, is a peer-elected, collaborative team composed of family members, the school principal, teachers and…

We are excited to invite you to Roxborough High’s FIRST SpeakUp! Event on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 5:30pm. This event will be held at Roxborough High School auditorium. SpeakUp! is a youth-driven, interactive program that brings youth, school adults, and parenting adults together for real dialogue on the topics our students want to discuss….

Reunion NIght 2022 Principals, and staff.

Roxborough High School Blue and White Reunion Night

Posted on March 9, 2023
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Categories: Events, News, Student Activities

The Roxborough High School Alumni Association Invites you to attend the Blue & White Reunion Night on Saturday April 29, 2023. Each year the Roxborough High School Alumni Association has awarded scholarships to deserving graduates in excess of $20,000. This event is our only fund raiser and your attendance at this event will enable us to…

Man Sneezing

Seasonal Allergies, Asthma and COVID19

Posted on March 6, 2023
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Categories: News, Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians of a Student Attending the Academies @ Roxborough: If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, a Seizure Disorder, and or Allergies resulting in an Anaphylactic Reaction, requiring the use of treatment with medications such as Albuterol, Clonazepam or an Epi-pen), please notify the School Nurse at  The School Nurse will need…

School District of Philadelphia logo with blue background

Principal’s Letter to the Community 3/3/2023

Posted on March 3, 2023
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Categories: News, Parents

The Academies at Roxborough High School 6498 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 | (215) 400-3400 March 3, 2023 Dear Roxborough School Families, This letter is to inform you of an incident that occurred after hours yesterday. After students were already dismissed, at 5:58 p.m. a community member found a firearm near the brushy area of…

Rox Football Team and Our Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles hosted the football teams and coaches from Roxborough High School, Northeast High School, and Boys Latin High School

Yesterday the Philadelphia Eagles hosted the football teams and coaches from Roxborough High School, Northeast High School, and Boys Latin High School for an afternoon none of us will soon forget. In conjunction with PCA, the Positive Coaching Alliance, our players engaged in a workshop entitled, “Making Teammates Better- Playing with Empathy”.  Players were seated at…

ENGLISH Act 158 Graduation Requirements Class of 2023

Posted on October 14, 2022
Categories: News, Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians, In 2018, Act 158 was signed into law by the governor, outlining state graduation requirements that go into effect for students in the Class of 2023 and beyond. To graduate from high school, students must meet all local graduation requirements related to credits and coursework along with the state requirements outlined in Act…

SPANISH Act 158 Graduation Requirements Class of 2023

Posted on October 14, 2022
Categories: News, Parents

Estimados padres/encargados: En 2018, el gobernador promulgó la Ley 158, que describe los requisitos estatales de graduación que entrarán en vigencia para los estudiantes de la promoción de 2023 y posteriores. Para graduarse de la escuela secundaria, los estudiantes deben cumplir con todos los requisitos de graduación locales en cuanto a los créditos y los…