Credits and promotion to the next grade during the COVID-19 closure.

Credits and promotion to the next grade during the COVID-19 closure.

Academic requirements for graduation remain unchanged for the 2019-2020 school year, with exception to the Senior Project which is waived as a graduation requirement this year. However, students will still be afforded opportunity to engage and present their projects (excluding community service) for their English 4 class participation credit.

The final grade for a course will be automatically calculated as an average of all term percent grades (terms one, two, and three during this school year). Students whose final average falls below a 60 will not earn credit for the course. All courses receiving a passing grade will calculate into the GPA. However, if a student fails a course, the failure will not be reflected in their GPA (2019-2020 school year).

Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 will be promoted to the next grade level if they accumulate the following credits:
Grade 9 to 10: 5 credits
Grade 10 to 11: 11 credits
Grade 11 to 12: 17.5 credits

Dana A. Jenkins, Principal
Academies @ Roxborough High School