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Posts tagged ‘VAP’

Lowes Skills USA grant award to Web design and VAP

SkillsUSA Grant Awarded to VAP

SkillsUSA and Lowe’s Home Improvement (#LowesSkillsUSA) have teamed up on a new grant program to support emerging SkillsUSA programs in career and technical education classrooms across the nation. The $100,000 grant from Lowe’s provides 100 eligible chapters with $1,000 worth of educational materials. Debi Bender, Roxborough High School  Web Design Teacher & SDP SkillsUSA Advisor received one of…

VAP students at the Magic Gardens Art Exhibit

VAP Students Visit Magic Gardens Art Exhibit

VAP students with new drones

VAP Academy has DRONES!!!

Friday October 4 was a beautiful day to learn how to fly a drone. The Visual Arts Production Academy has 3 new drones. Students in Web 3,  Film 3, and Graphic Design 1 ventured out in the sunshine to test our the drone. Bartholomew, the training drone named by the seniors in Web 3,  took…

VAP students at the Franklin Institute for the Marvel Comics exhibit

VAP Students Visit the Franklin Institute Marvel Exhibit

On May 2, 2019, the VAP academy students from The Academies @ Roxborough visited the Franklin Institute to see the Marvel Exhibit.  36 students were able to attend after a successful fundraiser with SkillsUSA chapter and the RHS HSA through Go Fund me and the kids had an amazing time. Some highlights were the life…

SkillsUSA in Hershey PA

The Academies @ Roxborough Web Design students attends SkillsUSA in Hershey PA This year Web Design participated in SkillsSUA for the first time. Three students excellently represented Roxborough at the competition. It was a great opportunity for the students to investigate and learn what SkillsUSA is and how the competitions work. Yasmin Riley participated in…

TechGirlz @ The Academies @ Roxborough

TechGirlz @ The Academies @ Roxborough

On March 30, 2019. A new record was set, and the Academies @ Roxborough was a part of it. TechGirlz, a partner in The Web Design pathway, held an event at Drexel University to take part in the Breaking the Code event. Over 300 girls in middle school across the country were learning HTML and…