Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
Tahir Bond and Robert Cummings were selected for the elite Transition to Work Program for Autistic students in their last year of high school. It is a cooperative program between Drexel University and The School District. Only 8 students are selected with this diagnosis from the district to participate in the transition to work program….
On March 30, 2019. A new record was set, and the Academies @ Roxborough was a part of it. TechGirlz, a partner in The Web Design pathway, held an event at Drexel University to take part in the Breaking the Code event. Over 300 girls in middle school across the country were learning HTML and…
Academies @ Roxborough Biotechnology 10th grade students had their first Visit to Drexel Medical School Simulation lab. “The Human Patient Simulation lab is where the use of computerized Human Patient Simulators (HPS), Standardized Patients or hybrid cases are used for skill building.” Students work on life like robots that react to their actions and respond to…