Parent & Family University Kickoff Tour! Find an event near you!
District Parents & Families: The 2024-25 Philly School Experience Survey is now open. Let your voice be heard! Take the Survey
Dear Parents/Guardians of a Student Attending the Academies @ Roxborough: If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, a Seizure Disorder, and or Allergies resulting in an Anaphylactic Reaction, requiring the use of treatment with medications such as Albuterol, Clonazepam or an Epi-pen), please notify the School Nurse at The School Nurse will need…
The Academies at Roxborough High School 6498 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146 | (215) 400-3400 March 3, 2023 Dear Roxborough School Families, This letter is to inform you of an incident that occurred after hours yesterday. After students were already dismissed, at 5:58 p.m. a community member found a firearm near the brushy area of…