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Archive for December, 2019

Biotech students make Ice Cream

Biotech students made Ice cream in the lab and the science teachers were brave enough to taste test their results!

JROTC Inspection

JROTC Inspection

JROTC Attends Army Navy Game

Students in Biotech pathway attend field trip at GSK

Biotech Students Youth Mental Health Training and GSK Trip

Mrs. Thompson and the Students in the Academy of Health Sciences & Research Biotech Seniors participated in Mental Health training workshop sponsored by Youth Mental Health, First Aid USA. The Academy of Health Sciences & Research Biotech Juniors attended a field trip at GSK, GlaxoSmithKline with Mrs. Thompson.  

Roxborough Students Particiate in AIDS Walk

Students from the Academies @ Roxborough along with Mrs. Roberts, English Teacher and Lead Teacher participated the Aids walk Philly on Sunday October 20th.

Roxborough Girls Volleyball

Roxborough Girls Volleyball team finished their season in their Conference with a record of 3-5 and an overall record of 4-7.

Mr. King, Freshman Academy Assistant Principal, met with all freshmen to review the Check and Reflect

Freshman Academy Reflections

Mr. King, Freshman Academy Assistant Principal, met with all freshmen during their World History classes on Dec. 3rd and 4th. He used a “town hall” format (small groups) to review the Check and Reflect document, classroom and hallway expectations, and what it means to be “On Track” for graduation. This is the second round of…

Academies @ Roxborough HS students participating in Outward Bound

Outward Bound